KFC's Spicy Famous Bowl

February 2020

It's easy to make fun of KFC. They mass-produce fried chicken. They changed their name to get rid of "fried", but people thought it was to get rid of "chicken". They released a sandwich with two pieces of chicken instead of a bun. They keep changing the actor who plays the colonel. For goodness sake, they just released KFC crocs.

Enough about KFC's weird marketing campaign. This is about KFC's Spicy Famous Bowl, a version of their Spicy Obscure Bowl. You might not have heard of it.

a KFC Spicy Famous Bowl

Marketed as a whole pound of food for $3, this Famous Bowl has a bunch of things in it. A base of smooth mashed potatoes. Slightly sweet corn as a nice surprise. A few kinds of shredded cheese that melts and disappears when mixed. Gravy, because you can't have mashed potatoes without gravy. Nicely tender fried chicken nuggets, with breading crisper than you'd think, but as crisp as you'd want. But then, it's in a bowl of mashed potatoes.

Oh. There's also a bunch of spiciness from an oil slick on top.

The spice level isn't as nuclear as the red oil would indicate, but over time, the spiciness does build. I had it without a drink, and by the end, I had spice hiccups.

This isn't a buffalo bowl, but it wasn't marketed as one. I expected it to be bad, but it's actually pretty good. 6/10. This isn't a buffalo bowl, but it wasn't marketed as one. I expected it to be bad, but it's actually pretty good. 6/10 stars on the Chicken Walk of Fame.

tag: kfc


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tag: chicken


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